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Trusted Legal Guidance For Families Affected By Erb’s Palsy

Erb’s palsy is a condition that weakens a child’s arm. It is often the result of brachial plexus injuries during childbirth. Understanding both the medical and legal aspects of Erb’s palsy is crucial for families affected by this condition. An experienced Erb’s palsy attorney can provide you with the knowledgeable guidance you need and help you explore your options for financial relief.

Gray Law, PLLC, is here to be your family’s trusted ally in this difficult time. With decades of legal experience, Louisville Erb’s palsy lawyer David Gray understands the intricacies of seeking justice through Kentucky birth injury lawsuits. You can count on him for dedicated service and skilled advocacy.

What Is Erb’s Palsy?

Erb’s palsy is arm weakness/paralysis caused by a particular type of damage to the brachial plexus. Specifically, it occurs when the upper nerves of this important nerve grouping sustain injuries. Such injuries can result from a challenging delivery or other complications related to the birthing process. Common Erb’s palsy symptoms include limpness, numbness, unusual positioning or lack of movement when it comes to a child’s arm or hand. While some children experience full recovery from this condition, others can face long-term impacts on their arm use and ability to perform daily activities.

Diagnosing Erb’s Palsy

The process of diagnosing Erb’s palsy typically involves observing the baby’s movement and muscle tone immediately after birth. Doctors will typically physically examine a child to look for signs like the symptoms mentioned in the previous section. Tests such as imaging and electrodiagnostic studies may also be used.

Treatment Options For Erb’s Palsy

Early intervention can be crucial for helping children with Erb’s palsy recover arm function. Treatment often includes physical therapy to improve strength and range of motion. In some cases, surgery may help with repairing nerve damage.

Legal Considerations For Families In Kentucky

A family may be able to seek to recover compensation through a medical malpractice claim if they suspect that medical negligence during the delivery process contributed to their child developing Erb’s palsy. Among the many rules in Kentucky that can impact Erb’s palsy lawsuits are:

  • The one-year deadline (statute of limitations) for filing medical malpractice claims
  • There is no cap on damages in medical malpractice cases in the state
  • The requirement that medical malpractice lawsuits include a certificate of merit

An Erb’s palsy attorney can answer your questions on your legal options and advise you on what the state’s various laws, rules and processes related to medical malpractice claims mean for your case.

Get Reliable Guidance Now

Learn what legal rights you and your family have related to your Erb’s palsy case. Erb’s palsy attorney David Gray can help you understand your options in a free consultation. Schedule one today by calling 502-205-7578 or sending David an email.