Like many residents of Kentucky, you live an active lifestyle. Maintaining your health is important to accomplish everyday tasks. Accordingly, you understand the importance of seeking medical care when you are not feeling well.
While you can usually trust your physician to act responsibly, he or she may eventually make a mistake. If a doctor’s error causes you to sustain an injury, you may need to act quickly to stop the damage and assert your legal rights. While every situation is different, here are four common signs of medical malpractice you should know about.
- Your doctor does not conduct a full examination
Good doctors listen to their patients before conducting a full examination. If your physician refuses to order tests or otherwise does not completely examine you, he or she may not be able to diagnose you correctly. Moreover, if your doctor does not have sufficient medical staff to properly examine or treat you, you could be in trouble.
- You continue to feel sick
If you have a treatable medical condition, your doctor may prescribe medication to make you feel better. Over time, your symptoms should improve. If they do not, your doctor may not have accurately diagnosed you. Or, the treatment your doctor prescribed may be incorrect.
- Another doctor gives you a different diagnosis
It is never a bad idea to ask for a second opinion. After all, good doctors often disagree on the best way to treat a patient. Nonetheless, if a different doctor tells you that your first doctor misdiagnosed you, you may need to change doctors to get the right care.
- Your doctor does something outside the norm
Medical professionals have a variety of ways to treat their patients. Also, your doctor must ask you to consent to any medical treatment. If your doctor colors too far outside the lines, though, you may have a valid medical malpractice claim. For example, if a surgeon sews a pair of scissors inside you during surgery, you probably have clear proof of medical malpractice.
Due to the statute of limitations, you cannot wait forever to file a claim. While the above list is not exhaustive, it does list some common situations when medical malpractice occurs. Because good health is essential, you must work diligently to recover from an injury or illness. If your doctor does not provide effective care, you may also need to worry about advocating for your legal rights.