In October 2020, we reported on a recall of the common diabetes drug Metformin because of concerns it could cause cancer. At the end of 2022, manufacturer Viona Pharmaceuticals voluntarily recalled the oral medication again over concerns that it contains high levels...
Medical Malpractice And Personal Injury Trial Attorney

Mass tort
FDA recalls mislabeled pain medications
A recent medication recall by the Food and Drug Administration illustrates the dangers of mislabeled prescriptions. The FDA ordered drug manufacturer Bryant Ranch Prepack to recall a lot of 500 mg methocarbamol bottles that actually contained 750 mg tablets. Learn...
Is it possible to mediate a mass tort case?
If you have suffered injuries because you used a defective medical product, you may become part of a mass tort lawsuit. This allows you to pool your claim with others who have experienced similar injuries because of the same product or source. However, it is possible...
What are the benefits of mass tort lawsuits?
The more common name for mass tort litigation is a class action lawsuit. This involves a group of people who have similar or the same injuries due to the same action or product from a defendant that the group is suing. More specifically, “mass tort” action is a...
What are some important mass torts in history?
Mass tort cases are nothing new. While they may not get the attention of a class action, they still can lead to significant results. Many of the most famous mass tort cases led to valuable verdicts that helped many people. Alert Communications explains there are a...
What is the difference between mass torts and class action?
In common parlance, you would likely see the phrases "class action" and "mass torts" in interchangeable use. In fact, you would probably not find many people talking about mass torts at all. The fact is that there are some similarities between these types of cases....
The dangers of medication errors and blood thinners
When Kentucky residents go to the emergency room or urgent care facility with chest pains, they may need immediate medical treatment that requires medication. In situations where communication is poor, or care is inadequate, the patient may receive the wrong drug or...
States turn to mass torts to address the opioid crisis
The opioid crisis in America has inspired state governments, law enforcement, medical practitioners and individuals to find creative solutions. The war on drugs has shown that punishing people suffering from substance abuse does not work. Punishing small-scale...
Why is Zantac potentially deadly?
Zantac was a very popular drug that was used to treat stomach acid issues. The most common issue it was used for was heartburn. It could treat it when it occurred, and it could also prevent it in some cases. Other issues it was sometimes used for included GERD, or...
Baby powder no longer sold in the U.S.
The embattled Johnson & Johnson made headlines in the fall of 2019 when Walmart, CVS and other major retailers pulled 33,000 bottles of its talcum-based powder from their shelves. Now the company announced in May of 2020 that it would cease the sale of baby powder...