Anyone in Kentucky who has an upcoming surgery may worry about what may go wrong during the procedure. For instance, it is not uncommon for objects to remain inside patients after surgery.
ThoughtCo. sheds a light on why objects remain inside patients’ bodies and steps taken to prevent such disasters. Hopefully, the information can help patients know how to keep themselves from becoming victims of medical malpractice.
Why objects remain in patients
Sometimes, surgical technicians and nurses become overworked and fatigued, or an emergency may require immediate surgery with little preparation. A lack of sleep or proper preparation can lead medical professionals to miscount surgical equipment.
Multiple surgeries performed at once, or sudden changes in the middle of the surgery, could also result in surgical tools or something like a sponge left in a patient’s body, as noted by CBS News. Medical facilities may also have poor policies and procedures, which can pave the way to mistakes.
How medical facilities can prevent mistakes
Technology is instrumental in protecting patients, such as keeping track of sponges via coding and scanning. X-rays and radio frequency tags are additional ways to ensure the removal of sponges from inside patients.
Consequences of objects remaining inside patients
Various consequences come with having an object left inside a patient. Sometimes, no harm results, but other times, surgical objects can kill a person. Additional effects include pain, infection, internal bleeding, loss of internal organs and more surgery.
One of the best ways to prevent patients from going home with foreign objects inside their bodies is for medical professionals to communicate with each other. Standardized systems can also be of great help.