Distracted driving is a major contributor to serious car accidents, injuries and deaths in Kentucky and across the United States every year. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, approximately 2,841 people were killed and more than 400,000...
Medical Malpractice And Personal Injury Trial Attorney

Personal Injury
What kinds of car crash damages can you recover?
When you sue the negligent or reckless driver who caused the car crash in which you sustained injuries, you can expect to recover two types of damages: economic and noneconomic. Economic damages are those financial losses that your injuries caused or will cause you in...
What can a car recall tell you?
Defective products can inflict great harm and in some cases cause death. This can be especially true when it comes to your automobile. You could buy a new car that seems to be in perfect working order only for the vehicle to exhibit problems that render it inoperable...
Kentucky continues efforts to prevent drunk driving
According to records from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, drunk driving deaths accounted for nearly one of every five vehicular fatalities in Kentucky in 2018. That year, 137 people died statewide at the hands of impaired drivers. While the 2018...
Context switching and why it is dangerous for drivers
Drivers can find it easy to trick themselves into thinking they can focus on multiple tasks while still safely operating a motor vehicle. They are used to working in front of a computer, holding a conversation and watching the television all at the same time so how...
Replace your child’s car seat after certain accidents
Your child is the most precious cargo you ever carry in your car, truck or SUV. To boost your young one’s chances of surviving an unexpected car accident, you should always strap him or her into an age-, height and weight-appropriate car or booster seat. Because...
Deer season is dangerous for drivers
Many people look forward to autumn all year just for another chance to get out in the woods and go deer hunting. While deer season is an exciting time for many people, it can also be dangerous. The roads become more dangerous during this time of year, especially if...
When does your child need a booster seat?
Car accidents that involve children can lead to devastating injuries, particularly if the child does not have the proper restraints. Over 90 percent of children aged four to eight suffered serious injuries in car accidents without a booster seat. Once a child ages out...
What should you expect in a personal injury trial?
You were heading home from work when a driver failed to stop at a red light. As you both entered the intersection at the same time, the crash happened with almost no warning at all. Today, you’re still recovering from the injuries that you suffered in that crash. You...
Going on a summer vacation? Avoid these common road hazards
We’re in the middle of another long, hot summer. If you are like many Kentucky families, you are planning a summer road trip to break up the monotony of the summer. Whether you are headed to a cabin in the Smokies, a family reunion in the Midwest or a sunny beach on...